Youth courts are juvenile justice diversion programs in which young people are sentenced by their peers. Street Law, Inc. developed lessons for youth courts to use when training youth volunteers or for use as a sentencing option for youthful offenders.

The lessons are student-centered, interactive, and deal with topics for which young people frequently are arrested and referred to youth courts.

The lessons help young people understand their rights and responsibilities, as well as the impact of their actions on their victims, their communities, and themselves. Through the lessons, young people build and practice skills they need to make appropriate decisions and to contribute positively in their communities.

Course Covers:

Crimes & Consequences

Victims of Crime

Serving on a Jury

A Jury of Your Peers: What is the Role of Diversity in Juries?


Who Must Attend School?

Alcohol, Violence & Drunk Driving

Reducing Underage Drinking

Bully, Assault & Sexual Harassment


Resolving Conflict through Negotiation

An Overview of the Juvenile Justice System

Options for Solving Conflicts

Triggers: Skills for Anger Management

What is the Intent of the Law?

Laws are Based on Values


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